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Dr. Alexander Stuckert

Technical University of Darmstadt

In practice

German, English

Electrical engineering

Mixed methods

> 35/h tutored


My name is Alex, and I completed my PhD in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TU Darmstadt in 2023. My research focused on the perception of projections from the perspective of road users in the immediate vehicle environment and their parameters, which were investigated and derived using psychophysical methods. In my current role, I am responsible for interior lighting in the automotive industry. During my studies, I had the opportunity to experience various educational focuses through stays abroad in Sweden, Australia, and China, which I am eager to pass on to students. I am very keen on supervising students in their final theses, applying both qualitative and quantitative research methods to identify and support the focus of each work with the necessary sensitivity.

Academic track record

PhD at Technical University of Darmstadt - Dissertation in Psychophysics and Perceptual Psychology

Near-field projection as an adaptive driver assistance system - a technical and human-oriented consideration for future traffic scenarios

Master of Science at Technical University of Darmstadt - Master in Electrical Engineering

Identifying crucial characteristics of the CMO - an analysis of S&P 500 companies.

Bachelor of Science at Technical University of Darmstadt - Bachelor in Electrical Engineering

Material ien zur Herstel lung polymerer elektrothermischer Aktoren in Leiterplattentechnologie

Top publications

An Analysis of Visibi l i ty Requierements and React ion Times of Near-Field Project ions

MDPI Appl ied Sciences

Resolut ion Aspects for Near-Field Project ions

MDPI Appl ied Sciences

Skills and focus areas

Psychology and its Variations (Business Psychology, Psychology of Behavior)Creative Thinking (Design) and Technical Theories with Aspects of Electrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringQualitative Content Analysis by MayringSurveys and QuestionnaireFechner's Psychophysics