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Dr. Alisa Auer

University of Konstanz

In practice

German, English


Quantitative methods

> 175/h tutored


Hello, my name is Alisa, and I recently completed my PhD in Psychology at the University of Konstanz. In my research, I investigated psychosocial determinants and interventions in the context of stress and cardiovascular health. During my doctoral studies, I conducted several courses, including on academic work and writing, and guided students on their journey to completing their theses. I look forward to continuing to support students with their theses in the future!

Academic track record

PhD at University of Konstanz - Dissertation in Biological Work and Health Psychology

Psychosocial Determinants and Interventions in the Context of Stress and Cardiovascular Health – Focus on Stress Contagion, Appreciation, Anger, and Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management Trainings

Master of Science at University of Konstanz - Master in Psychology

Interpersonal transmission of acute stress - investigation of blood pressure and aldosterone as well as the correlations with empathy and sympathy

Bachelor of Science at University of Konstanz - Bachelor in Psychology

A question of self-esteem? How self-esteem is related to anticipatory cognitive stress appraisal and physiological stress response

Top publications

Taking appreciation to heart: Appreciation at work and cardiovascular risk in male employees

Frontiers in Public Health

Is your stress my stress? A standardized, randomized-controlled paradigm to study physiological stress contagion based on direct stress observation


Do hypertensive men spy with an angry little eye? Anger recognition in men with essential hypertension – Cross-sectional and prospective findings

Annals of Behavioral Medicine

Skills and focus areas

Psychology and related topicsSystematic Literature ResearchStatistical analyses in SPSSIllustrations in Excel or R (ggplot)