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Dr. Angeliki Kalogeraki

University of Mannheim


German, English, Greek


Mixed methods

> 150/h tutored


I'm Angeliki, I'm doing my PhD at the University of Mannheim and my dissertation is about digital marketing, brand content in online communities and consumer perception of sustainable innovations. I am originally from Greece, where I completed a Bachelor's degree in Finance and gained 3 years of work experience in an international company. I have been in Germany since 2017 and completed my Master in Management in Mannheim.

Academic track record

PhD at University of Mannheim - Dissertation in Marketing and Innovation

Essays on Online Communities and Sustainable Innovation

Master of Science at University of Mannheim - Master in Management

The impact of brand image positioning strategies on customer-based brand equity and firm's performance

Bachelor of Science at Athens University of Economics and Business - Bachelor in Finance

Top publications

An Investigation of Member-Initiated Online Communities From a Marketing Perspective

Academy of Marketing Science Conference

Leveraging Member -Initiated Online Communities: The Role of Brand Prominence for Generating Word-of-Mouth

European Marketing Conference

Skills and focus areas

MarketingDigital MarketingSustainabilityConsumer BehaviorSystematic Literature ResearchExperimentsSurveyInterviews