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Francie Lange (MSc)

HHL Leipzig

PhD candidate

German, English


Qualitative methods

> 140/h tutored


Hi, I'm Francie and I've been doing my doctorate at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management since spring 2021 with a focus on Intrepreneurial Resourcefulness. I am particularly interested in the diversity of the topic and the perspective from an individual and organizational level. The interdisciplinary nature of my topics has enabled me to gain a comprehensive insight into the early founding phase of start-ups and to understand their structures. An interdisciplinary understanding of topics was already relevant to me in my Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. Alongside my studies, I was able to gain experience at Lufthansa Technik AG and Accenture Strategy, among others. Accenture Strategy. I am fascinated by other cultures, which is why I lived in Miami, Paris and Amsterdam during and between my studies. In my private life, my passion for traveling. In my free time, I like to spend time in nature and doing sports.

Academic track record

PhD at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management – Dissertation in Entrepreneurship

Exploring entrepreneurial resourcefulness in digital startups

Master of Science at Philipp University of Marburg - Master in Business Administration

Developing a revised approach for the 360° stakeholder feedback in the HHL - Roland Berger scenario development framework

Bachelor of Arts at University of Hamburg – Bachelor in Social Cconomics

Gamified crowdsourcing platforms: An analysis of gamification as a tool to influence activity in crowdsourcing

Top publications

Demystifying massive and rapid business scaling – An explorative study on driving factors in digital start-ups

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Characteristics of platform providers in collaborative consumption: a derivation of archetypes

Management Decision

Leading in the digital age: conceptualising digital leadership and its influence on service innovation performance

International Journal of Innovation Management

Skills and focus areas

Strategic EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurial ResourcefulnessResource Based ViewDynamic CapabilitiesCollaborative ConsumptionBusiness ScalingEntrepreneurial ActionScenario PlanningGrounded Theory by Corbin & StrausGioia MethodologySystematic Literature Research by Denyer & Tranfield