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Julia Ditzer (MSc)

TU Dresden

PhD candidate

German, English


Quantitative methods

> 95/h tutored


I am Julia Ditzer and I am currently pursuing my PhD in Child and Adolescent Psychology at TU Dresden. In my dissertation, I focus on the effects of early childhood trauma on emotional processing and interoception. During my studies, I gained extensive practical research experience, particularly through research stays at UCLA, Stanford, and Yale. In my free time, I am passionate about supporting first-generation university students and migrant students.

Academic track record

PhD at Technical University of Dresden - Dissertation in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Exploring the Long-term Implications of Early Adversity: The Gut-Brain Axis and Its Impact on Interoception and Emotion

Master of Science at University of Leipzig - Master in Psychology

Child maltreatment and alexithymia: A meta-analytic review

Bachelor of Science at MLU Halle-Wittenberg - Bachelor in Psychology

Top publications

Child maltreatment and alexithymia: A meta-analtic review

Psychological Bulletin

Maltreatment in daycare settings: A review of empirical studies in the field

Trauma, Violence, & Abuse

The Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on the Mental and Physical Health of Sexual and Gender Minorities: A Comprehensive Review of Quantitative Research

Archives of Sexual Behavior

Skills and focus areas

PsychologyBusiness PsychologySystematic Literature Research by Vom Brocke et al.Meta-AnalysisQualitative Content Analysis by KuckartzQualitative Content Analysis by Mayring