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Lennart Stoepel (MSc)

RWTH Aachen

PhD candidate

German, English


Mixed methods

> 70/h tutored


My name is Lennart and I am pursuing a PhD at the Chair of Controlling at RWTH Aachen University in the field of innovation controlling. My focus is on technology transfer and sustainability controlling within the semiconductor industry. After completing my master’s degree, including two semesters abroad in Poland and Greece, at Ruhr University Bochum, I worked as a controller in a medium-sized company in Bochum. In my personal life, I combine my passion for hiking and mountaineering with my interest in people, culture, and cuisine from around the world, often through long-distance travel.

Academic track record

PhD at RWTH Aachen - Dissertation in Innovationscontrolling

Innovationscontrolling inerhalb des Halbleitermarkets

Master of Science at Ruhr-University Bochum - Master in Management & Economics

Empirical analysis of job advertisements in controlling with the help of text mining

Bachelor of Science at Ruhr-University Bochum - Bachelor in Management & Economics

An economic analysis of the UBER business model

Top publications

Transdisciplinary Development of Neuromorphic Computing Hardware for Artificial Intelligence Applications: Technological, Economic, Societal, and Environmental Dimensions of Transformation in the NeuroSys Cluster4Future

Transformation Towards Sustainability: A Novel Interdisciplinary Framework from RWTH Aachen University (S. 271-301), Springer International Publishing

Applications of neuromorphic computing

3rd IEEE-TEMS International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship 2023

Kompetenzprofile und Anreizinstrumente im Controlling

Controlling - Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmensführung

Skills and focus areas

ControllingTechnology ManagementInnovation ManagementSustainability ManagementSupply Chain ManagementHuman ResourcesAccountingSystematic Literature Research by Vom Brocke et al.Qualitative Content Analysis by KuckartzQualitative Content Analysis by MayringQuantitative AnalysisText MiningPatent Mining with MAXQDATotal Cost of Ownership AnalysisCase Study ResearchExpert InterviewsLife Cycle AssessmentBusiness Modeling according to Osterwalder and Pigneur