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Dr. Maximilian Poth

LSE London

In practice

German, English, Spanish, French

Civil & Public Law

Qualitative methods

> 350/h tutored


I am Max, currently completing my legal clerkship at the Kammergericht in Berlin. I have internationally oriented my studies in Münster and Melbourne. In my PhD, I researched the relationship between EU law and international law using international investment protection agreements such as the Energy Charter Treaty as examples. In my Master's in London, I focused particularly on investment protection law, critical legal studies, and interdisciplinary international jurisprudence. During this time, I also managed a civil law tutorial workshop for several years, where I gained extensive experience in one-on-one supervision of legal papers. I am passionately interested in music and enjoy being in nature.

Academic track record

PhD at University of Münster - Dissertation in Sustainability Reporting, Sustainable Finance

Die Autonomie des Unionsrechts – Eine kontextuelle Kritik am Kollisionsbeispiel von Intra-EU-Investitionsschutz nach dem Energiechartavertrag

LL.M at London School of Economics and Political Science - LL.M

Post-Achmea: EU and Intra-EU Investor -to-State-Arbitration (ISDS) in the Energy Charter Treaty under EU law scrutiny

Skills and focus areas

LawCivil LawPublic LawLiterature SearchOrganization and Structuring of Legal Studies PapersArgumentation