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Sina Plietzsch (MA)

HHL Leipzig

PhD candidate

German, English


Mixed methods

> 85/h tutored


Hi! I am Sina and currently doing my PhD at the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. In my work I am investigating if and how the concept of mindfulness can be applied in education for sustainable development with students. In addition to my PhD, as a research associate at the LF Group Chair for Digital Innovation in Service Industries and the Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation, I am mainly involved with projects that take an unconventional approach to innovation design. These include gamification and design thinking, among others. Last but not least, I pass on my knowledge as project coordinator of the HHL Gründerinnen-Initative specifically to women from Saxony who are interested in founding a company.

Academic track record

PhD at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management - Dissertation in Education for Sustainable Development

The Concept of Mindfulness as Innovative Educational Approach to foster Sustainable Development

Master of Arts at HTW Berlin - Master in International Business

Adapting to Innovation - an Entrepreneurial and Social Research Approach

Bachelor of Arts at HWR Berlin - Bachelor in Business Administration

Intelligent Business Model as Success Factor using the Example of Google

Skills and focus areas

Innovation MmanagementBusiness ModellingGamificationDesign ThinkingFemale EntrepreneurshipSustainabilityMindfulnessInterviewsQualitative Content AnalysisExperimentsSurvey