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Thimo Schulz (Msc)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

PhD candidate

German, English

Information Systems

Mixed methods

> 45/h tutored


Hello, I am Rafael. I am holding an M.Sc in Industrial Engineering, and I am doing my PhD at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in the field of Circular Economy. In my dissertation, I am designing a recycling network for innovative utilization approaches of insulation materials and evaluating it in terms of economic, ecological, and technical aspects. During my studies at KIT, I specialized in Supply Chain Management and Operations Research. In addition, I also cover topics in classical business administration as well as economics. I was able to further expand my expertise in supply chain optimization during practical semesters in logistics planning at Mercedes-Benz and in management consulting in the field of Digital Supply Chain at PwC. In my private life, I enjoy sports, playing instruments, or just watching Netflix.

Academic track record

PhD at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Dissertation in Human-centred AI

Human-centred AI

Master of Science at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Master in Information Systems

Leveraging Metadata and Annotations to Improve Scholarly Open Domain Question Answering

Bachelor of Science at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Bachelor in Industrial Engineering

Implementierung eines plattformunabhängigen OPC UA Web Clients; Nutzerorientierte Monetarisierungsmöglichkeiten von Schnellladeinfrastruktur

Top publications

Cognitive Load Dynamics in Generative AI-Assistance: A NeuroIS Study

International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)

An Immersive'Proto Learning Factory'Concept for Teaching AI Competencies

Conference on Learning Factories (CLF)

Enhancing AI Education for Business Students through Extended Reality: An Exploratory Study

Mensch und Computer (MuC)

Skills and focus areas

Information SystemsHuman-Computer InteractionSystematic Literature Research by Vom Brocke et al.Concept Matrix by Webster and WatsonDesign Science Research e.g., PeffersTaxonomy Development according to NickersonExperimental Research